How to build the machine boot images



To build an image using a specific version of Kubernetes use the “PACKER_FLAGS” environment variable like in the example below:

# Clone the image-builder repository $ git clone $ cd image-builder/images/capi $ PACKER_FLAGS="--var 'kubernetes_rpm_version=1.26.2-0' --var 'kubernetes_semver=v1.26.2' --var 'kubernetes_series=v1.26' --var 'kubernetes_deb_version=1.26.2-00'" make build-qemu-ubuntu-2004



Compose the user-variables.json file containing the information for the PowerVS

{ "account_id": "", "apikey": "", "capture_cos_access_key": "", "capture_cos_bucket": "", "capture_cos_region": "", "capture_cos_secret_key": "", "key_pair_name": "", "kubernetes_deb_version": "", "kubernetes_rpm_version": "", "kubernetes_semver": "", "kubernetes_series": "", "region": "", "service_instance_id": "", "ssh_private_key_file": "", "zone": "", "dhcp_network": "false" }
  • account_id: IBM Cloud account ID
  • apikey: IBM Cloud API Key
  • capture_cos_access_key: IBM Cloud Object Storage(COS) access key where the image will be exported
  • capture_cos_bucket: IBM Cloud Object Storage(COS) bucket name
  • capture_cos_region: IBM Cloud Object Storage(COS) bucket region
  • capture_cos_secret_key: IBM Cloud Object Storage(COS) secret key
  • key_pair_name: SSH key name present in the PowerVS
  • kubernetes_deb_version: Kubernetes deb version, e.g: 1.24.2-00
  • kubernetes_rpm_version: Kubernetes RPM package version, e.g: 1.24.2-0
  • kubernetes_semver: e.g: v1.24.2
  • kubernetes_series: e.g: v1.24
  • region: PowerVS region, e.g: osa
  • service_instance_id: PowerVS service instance ID
  • ssh_private_key_file: Path to the SSH private key file used to connect to the vm while image preparation, e.g: /Users/manjunath/.ssh/id_rsa
  • zone: PowerVS zone, e.g: osa21
  • dhcp_network: Set to true if the image has to be built with DHCP support


  1. When setting dhcp_network: true, you need to build an OS image with certain network settings using pvsadm tool and replace the fields with the custom image details.
  2. Clone the image-builder repo and run make build commands from a system where the DHCP private IP can be reached and SSH able(you can use a transit gateway with connections added for VPC and PowerVS workspace and build the image from a virtual server instance in VPC).
# Clone the image-builder repository $ git clone $ cd image-builder/images/capi $ ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -o PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa" PACKER_VAR_FILES=user-variables.json make build-powervs-centos-8