Release Process

Alpha/Beta releases

  • Create a tag and push
    git clone
    git tag -s -m "v0.2.0-alpha.3" v0.2.0-alpha.3
    git push origin v0.2.0-alpha.3
  • Wait for the google cloud build to be finished
  • Create a draft release with release notes for the tag
  • Tick the prerelease checkbox
  • Download the artifacts once cloud build is finished
    gsutil -m cp \
     "gs://" \
     "gs://" \
     "gs://" \
     "gs://" \
  • Upload the downloaded artifacts into the release asset
  • Publish the drafted release

Note: In the above instructions, v0.2.0-alpha.3 is the version/tag is being released

GA Releases

  • Create a tag and push
    git clone
    git tag -s -m "v0.1.0" v0.1.0
    git push origin v0.1.0
  • Wait for the google cloud build to be finished
  • Create a draft release with release notes for the tag
  • Perform the image promotion process:
    • Clone and pull down the latest from kubernetes/
    • Create a new branch in your fork of kubernetes/
    • The staging repository is here.
    • Once image is present in the above staging repository, find the sha256 tag for the image by following instructions
    $ manifest-tool inspect --raw | jq '.[0].Digest'
    • In your kubernetes/ branch edit and add an entry for the version using the sha256 value got from the above command. For example: "sha256:6c92a6a337ca5152eda855ac27c9e4ca1f30bba0aa4de5c3a0b937270ead4363": ["v0.1.0"]
    • You can use this PR as example
    • Wait for the PR to be approved and merged
    • Run make release command
    • Copy the content from out directory to release asset
    • Publish the drafted release

Note: In the above instructions, v0.1.0 is the version/tag is being released